LAMIREL PCB Europe s.r.o.

Printed circuit boards


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3D condensers in a printed circuit

Nano Dimension Ltd., has developed 3D printed capacitors with DragonFly's pioneering additive manufacturing system. The capacitors are built into the body of printed circuit boards (PCBs) using 3D technology and save space and eliminate the need for installation. Extensive testing has shown that the results are consistent for capacitors with a capacitance range from 0.1 nF to 3.2 nF. This shows that the costs associated with traditional production and the elimination of time-consuming multi-step production will be used by developers in the design of new boards. The growing trend is to increasingly meet the miniaturization and flatness of electronic devices for consumer, industrial and military applications. Customers can take advantage of this process, as even benchmarking clearly shows that high accuracy, miniaturization and board space savings can be achieved with this system, and these are the key factors in the process of manufacturing next-generation electronics and electronic applications.


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